Tales of the Tardigrade gives you a daily dose of insightful entertainment on a wide assortment of natural history themes. From topical science news items like climate change, to fantastical animals such as the miniscule tardigrade, this app celebrates the biological diversity of the world around us. Play with dinosaurs, examine a human heart, roam the desert, and much more. Each animal or plant is brought to you through an interactive narrative—an evolving story that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
You have six nature stories to experience. Interact with the tales in any order you like. Each story is delivered in seven chapters, one chapter per day. Some chapters are short, others are longer. Some are highly interactive; for others, just sit back and enjoy. All are compelling. You can switch to a new story even from the middle of your current one at any time. But this isn't recommended... you'll get dizzy.
All factual information has been carefully verified. Music, humour and intriguing ideas add to the mix to make Tales of the Tardigrade a unique platform for biology education.
Beautiful 2D and 3D interactive environments
Engaging storytelling
Amazing scientific facts about animals and plants
Thought-provoking content and settings
Designed for both phone and tablet
Tales of the Tardigrade memberikan dosis harian wawasan hiburan di berbagai macam tema alam sejarah. Dari berita ilmu topikal seperti perubahan iklim, untuk hewan fantastis seperti tardigrade miniscule, aplikasi ini merayakan keanekaragaman hayati dunia di sekitar kita. Bermain dengan dinosaurus, memeriksa hati manusia, berkeliaran gurun, dan banyak lagi. Setiap hewan atau tumbuhan dibawa ke anda melalui narasi-sebuah cerita yang berkembang interaktif yang akan membuat Anda di tepi kursi Anda.
Anda memiliki enam cerita alam untuk mengalami. Berinteraksi dengan cerita dalam urutan apapun yang Anda suka. Setiap cerita yang disampaikan dalam tujuh bab, satu bab per hari. Beberapa bab yang pendek, yang lain lagi. Beberapa sangat interaktif; bagi orang lain, hanya duduk dan menikmati. Semua yang menarik. Anda dapat beralih ke cerita baru bahkan dari tengah salah satu Anda saat ini setiap saat. Tapi ini tidak dianjurkan ... Anda akan mendapatkan pusing.
Semua informasi faktual telah hati-hati diverifikasi. Musik, humor dan ide-ide menarik menambah campuran untuk membuat Tales dari Tardigrade platform unik untuk pendidikan biologi.
2D dan 3D lingkungan interaktif yang indah
cerita menarik
fakta-fakta ilmiah menakjubkan tentang hewan dan tumbuhan
Pemikiran konten dan pengaturan
Dirancang untuk kedua ponsel dan tablet
Tales of the Tardigrade gives you a daily dose of insightful entertainment on a wide assortment of natural history themes. From topical science news items like climate change, to fantastical animals such as the miniscule tardigrade, this app celebrates the biological diversity of the world around us. Play with dinosaurs, examine a human heart, roam the desert, and much more. Each animal or plant is brought to you through an interactive narrative—an evolving story that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
You have six nature stories to experience. Interact with the tales in any order you like. Each story is delivered in seven chapters, one chapter per day. Some chapters are short, others are longer. Some are highly interactive; for others, just sit back and enjoy. All are compelling. You can switch to a new story even from the middle of your current one at any time. But this isn't recommended... you'll get dizzy.
All factual information has been carefully verified. Music, humour and intriguing ideas add to the mix to make Tales of the Tardigrade a unique platform for biology education.
Beautiful 2D and 3D interactive environments
Engaging storytelling
Amazing scientific facts about animals and plants
Thought-provoking content and settings
Designed for both phone and tablet